Five Tips to Help Your Kids Make the Most of Their Drum Corps Audition

The world of drum corps is a high-performance activity that demands not only musical proficiency but also dedication, discipline, and an unwavering passion for the art form. As a parent, you play a pivotal role in guiding and supporting your young musicians as they prepare for one of the most critical performances of their life—the audition. To help you in this journey, we've put together a comprehensive list of tips designed to maximize your child's chances of nailing their audition 

 1. Be Their Chief Logistics Officer

Preparation is more than just practice; it's also about organization. Make sure your student has all the essentials covered, from acquiring the audition packet in advance to having the right attire and equipment for the audition. Go the extra mile by creating a checklist of items they will need, and schedule regular check-ins leading up to the audition day to ensure nothing falls through the cracks.

Additionally, take responsibility for logistical details such as travel and accommodation if the audition location requires it. By managing these practical aspects, you free your child to focus solely on the music, which is where their attention should be. Remember, a stress-free environment is conducive to peak performance.

 2. Facilitate a Balanced Practice Schedule 

Balance is the key to effective preparation. While it's important to allocate sufficient time for practice, it's equally crucial to avoid burnout. Work together with your student to develop a well-rounded practice schedule. This should include a mix of solo practice, peer reviews, and, if possible, professional coaching.

Don't just emphasize the duration of the practice; focus on the quality. Encourage targeted practice sessions that tackle specific areas of improvement, whether it's timing, pitch, or technique. Make sure there are also breaks for relaxation and mental recharge. Consider employing time management methods such as the Pomodoro Technique, which involves intense practice sessions broken up by short breaks.

 3. Invest in High-Quality Tools and Resource 

Quality begets quality. Don't skimp when it comes to the tools and resources your student uses for preparation. Invest in a high-quality instrument, music stand, metronome, and any required accessories. These can make a significant difference in both practice sessions and the actual performance.

If budget permits, consider signing up for specialized coaching or masterclasses focusing on drum corps auditions. These often provide invaluable insights and techniques that your child may not get from regular lessons or self-practice. Sometimes, learning from those who have been through the process can offer unmatched benefits. 

 4. Create a Supportive Environment

Emotional support is a critical yet often overlooked aspect of preparation. Always be there to provide constructive feedback, but also offer encouragement and praise for the progress made. A supportive atmosphere will not only boost your child's morale but also improve their self-esteem, which is vital for an outstanding audition performance.

Create a distraction-free practice space at home where your student can focus solely on their music. This could be a quiet room away from household noise or even soundproofing a particular area. The aim is to cultivate an environment that mimics the conditions of the audition as closely as possible.

 5. Prepare for the Mental Game

The psychological aspect of auditions is as important as the technical one. Help your student cultivate mental resilience through visualization techniques, mindfulness, or even professional counseling focused on performance psychology. Dealing with stage fright, anxiety, or even the disappointment of a less-than-perfect practice session is all part of the game.

Sometimes, the pressure can mount, especially as the audition day approaches. Remind your child that it's not just about the end result; the journey itself offers invaluable lessons that contribute to their growth as a musician and as an individual. A calm mind often leads to a stellar performance, and your support can be a grounding influence in those crucial moments.


Preparing for a drum corps audition is a team effort that involves not only the student but also you, the parent. Your role is multifaceted—from being an organizer and motivator to a cheerleader and counselor. By following these tips, you equip your student with the best chances for a successful and fulfilling drum corps audition experience.


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